The 38 CC Norte III has developed and implemented for the operation and maintenance stage an Integral Management System, which has as a priority compliance with the legal requirements and other requirements of current national legislation, international regulations, good practices of the industry and maintain an adequate relationship with stakeholders.

Integral Management System Policy

In the 38 CC NORTE III we are dedicated to producing electricity through the combined cycle process, applying a comprehensive management system of quality, environment, health, and safety at work committed to the following strategies for the achievement of our objectives and the adequate performance of our processes:

Determining the scope of the management system

  • 1. Maintain contractual levels of productivity in our operations.
  • 2. Comply with legal and other requirements applicable to our Integrated Management System.
  • 3. Maintain conditions for the protection of the environment, conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as the prevention of water, soil and air pollution and committed to mitigate environmental impacts.
  • 4. Drive our efforts towards the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, to improve the performance of our operations, as well as our environmental and Occupational Health and Safety performance.
  • 5. Promote the consultation and participation of our collaborators and their representatives in the implementation and improvement of the Integrated Management System, as well as health and safety, in the determination of its hazards and risks.
  • 6. Focused on eliminating hazards and reducing health and safety risks, associated with all activities that take place under our control and influence.
  • 7. Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injury and deterioration of the health of our staff, contractors and visitors related to the nature of their activities.
  • 8. Promoting human rights through equal treatment and opportunities.

The senior management of the 38 CC NORTE III assumes the responsibility to comply with and enforce the policy of the Integral Management System, through the establishment and application of objectives and indicators, taking for this, the leadership, ensuring adequate communication and continuous review.


Generation and Consumption
Gross Generation 3,617 GWh
Auxiliary Consumption 58 GWh
Net Generation 3,558 GWh
Gas Consumption 68,119,272 Nm3
Environmental indicators
NOX emission 1,271 ton
Power Generation GHG emissions 1,469,953 tCO2
Hazardous waste 4,121 kg
Raw water consumption  76,482 m3
Last uptdate 02/10/2024
Project compliance standards:

ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
Applicable mexican legislation
Equator Principles
IFC Environmental and Social Sustainability Performance Standards
Industry Best Practices